I am very, very pleased that two of my pieces were accepted into Fantastic Fibers 2010 at the Yeiser Center in Paducah, Kentucky. It opened this weekend and wonderfully each piece is featured on a Flickr! page. More than that, installation photos were also included. The page is HERE. The photo above shows my two works on the pretty orange walls at the back on the left....right beside Jill Rumoshosky Werner's Extruded. (I'm a total fan of Jill or her work!) My two pieces are Menopause and Weep Not for Me. Wish I could have gone to the opening....the show looks FANTASTIC....just like it's title!!
Fantastic Fibers indeed! I just took a look through all the photos and they're all great pieces! Really wish I could see them all in person.
The dresses and graveyard quilts are gorgeous, you sound frenetically busy!! The forest shoes are to die for though!!!
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