(Above: Relic LXXVII. All these "relics" are the results of my workshop demonstrations. Each is approximately 6" by 8" to 9". Click on any image in this post to enlarge.)
On Sunday morning I took my camera on a walk down Southard Street, back up Fleming Street, and down Margaret Street on a meandering path back toward my cute artist residency studio unit on Ashe Street.

I passed fancy big houses ....

.... and comfortable cottages with rockers on their porches ...

... and more blossoming trees and flowers than I could possible photograph.

The architectural details are amazing ...

... especially all the colorful shutters ...

.... and the gingerbread woodwork and mosaics ... all in various state of repair depending on the property ...

There's all sorts of art and sculpture along the way.
I shot over 200 images but pared the selection down to under eighty. To see these on Flickr!, CLICK HERE. As a slideshow, click HERE.
With this blog post, I'm happy to share the finished demonstration pieces from previous "Hot" Workshops, including the one I taught here at The Studios of Key West last week. I've prided myself on finishing all my demonstrations but I'd gotten terribly behind. I had seven in various stages of completion ... now all done!

(Above: Relic LXXIX. Click on any image to enlarge.)

(Above: Relic LXXIII.)

(Above: Relic LXXIV.)

(Above: Relic LXXV.)

(Above: Relic LXXVIII.)

(Above: Relic LXXVI.)
Wonderful Susan. We were in Key this past December. It is such photogenic city, not unlike New Orleans. Your pieces are wonderful!
Fun photos, awesome art...looks like you are having a ball. So happy for you.
If you get a free moment pop over to my blog today hear my good news! ;-)
Love the relics! The pictures are so beautiful...and lots of inspiration...
I really love this series, Relics.
Wow...what a place. It's magical, something out of a movie. What movie? Well any movie..from Gone with the Wind to Something Wicked. The different states of repair. The lesser places are somehow even more interesting thant the better places. Oh and what about that fence that accommodated the trees? I thought of Dad. The signs, the details...the FLOWERS. Oh the flowers! I would have a fieldday just taking pictures of them! What made it even more surreal, more magical is that I didn't see one single person in any of the photos! But small dragons are welcome...I've got a couple of those I have with me all the time. I think you were thinking of me with that one. Of course, maybe it was the old jeep-vehicle...wow, that's the stuff that dreams are made of. At least some of my dreams. And I don't mean that sarcastic at all!
Are Relics new? I can't remember if you already started this series. They are perfect companion pieces with Windows! Or is that what they have been all along? Wow...if I could only stop counting!! ha ha Nah...I will count and you won't. Maybe that's the way it's supposed to be!!!!
Thanks for the slideshow and the post!
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