(Above: HOT Workshop at the Society for Contemporary Crafts, Pittsburgh, PA. Click on image to enlarge.)
First, my last post was from the Buyers Market of American Craft wholesale trade show in the Philadelphia Convention Center. This was my first show using the new 10' x 10' Pro Panel booth and my first show at this level of the arts industry. My husband Steve and I were especially proud of ourselves for managing to unload and set up quickly, look like professionals, and later to break-down and move out with the same speed and "know-what-you're-doing" attitude. The experience of manning my booth was fascinating. I truly enjoyed watching buyers, listening to new types of conversations, and learning about an entirely new facet to selling work. I set a relatively high minimum ... $1000. I actually wrote five orders! So ... as long as no one reneges on an order, I will have even made a profit! Best of all, there is a good chance that I might establish a long-term relationship with at least two of the shops that purchased my work!
The show ended at 4 PM on Monday afternoon. Steve and I were in our hotel drinking wine by 7 PM. We drove back to Columbia, South Carolina on Tuesday, unpacked, and returned the rental cargo van. I had only one day, Wednesday, to correspond with the people who placed orders, catch up on emails, and pack the car for my next adventure. By 7 AM on Thursday, I was headed back to Pennsylvania ... this time to my parents' beautiful log home outside Slippery Rock. They had dinner waiting! On Friday I drove into Pittsburgh and, in the morning, set up my workshop at the Society for Contemporary Crafts. I sat in on a fiber art critique group that afternoon, went to dinner with several of those who also attended, and then presented my work to the evening meeting of the Fiber Arts Guild of Pittsburgh. It was an exciting day filled with all sorts of creativity. I can't say enough about how nice everyone was, how generous and supportive the critique group was, and how I'd love to be part of such a group on a regular basis.
(Above: Hot Workshop at the Society for Contemporary Crafts, Pittsburgh, PA. Click on image to enlarge.)
From 9 - 4 on both Saturday and Sunday, I taught my workshop. The Society for Contemporary Crafts is an absolutely FABULOUS place ... very professional and very nice. The staff is friendly. The gift shop is excellent. The exhibition on view is first-rate. My workshop was called "HOT" ... which is my "normal" workshop ... but it went a step further. This was the first time that techniques for making my "In Box" and "Faux Stained-Glass" series were taught. (Sure, I've demonstrated this before ... just never had participants trying it out!) It went wonderfully. Some people left with as many as seven finished pieces ... all in 8" x 10" mats ... because mounting and framing is also covered in the workshop.
(Above: Stained Glass Arch in mat with a decorative covered beveled edge. Unframed: 6" x 7 1/2". Framed: 13" x 14 3/4". Click on image to enlarge.)
In order to demonstrate the stitching and melting techniques, I made a "mini" and am calling it Stained Glass Arch. Believe it or not, I've already sold it! A group of interior designers, fabric reps, and others in the field are having a pillow competition. They've asked me to judge it ... and purchased this piece as the prize for the winner! I'm excited ... and will blog about this in late April when the event occurs!
On Monday, I drove the 10 1/2 hours back to Columbia. Believe me, the pile of waiting work had piled up. Plus, I had shipments to start making ... pieces sold at the Buyers Market that needed packaged and sent! One order is now on its way to Seebeck Gallery in Wisconsin. Of course, some of the orders call for me to make new work ... a new piece based on a design that had already sold. So ... today I finished two of those!
(Above: In Box XCIV. Unframed: 14" x 10". Framed: 19" x 15". Click on image to enlarge.)
This is In Box XCIV. It is headed to Colorado. It was a special commission by an interior designer there.
(Above: Window LIV. Unframed: 13" x 11". Framed: 17 3/4" x 15 3/4". Click on image to enlarge.)
This is Window LIV it is headed to Curate in New Jersey along with several other pieces! I've got a couple more works to create in order to fill orders. I've got to "work fast" because in less than two weeks I'll be teaching two, one-day workshops: HOT and HOTTER at the Studios of Key West.
I've also got some other good news!
(Above: The Canopy. 12' x 10' x 18'. Installation photo from Studios Midwest in Galesburg, Illinois. Click on image to enlarge.)
The Canopy was accepted into Artfields, a new Southeastern regional art competition meant to bring an economic recovery to Darla Moore's hometown, Lake City, SC while supporting visual arts. The competition accepted four hundred entries. There are three prizes ... totally $100,000. This is NOT a typo! I'm so honored to be included and very excited to have a chance to share this work. In Illinois, only about 45 people actually came to the one-night reception to see it!
(Above: Lift and Tuck, 44" x 20". Click on image to enlarge or CLICK HERE to read more about this piece.)
Lift and Tuck was accepted into the SAQA (Studio Art Quilt Associates) Metaphors on Aging traveling exhibition which opens at the Festival of Quilts in Birmingham, England August 8 - 11 and moves on to the International Quilt Convention in
the Emperors Palace in Johannesburg, South Africa from September 6 - 8,
(Above: Bundles Of ... Click on image to enlarge.)
Bundles Of ... is in a show curated by Joetta Maue that opens tonight in the Chester F. Sidell Gallery at the Essex Art Center, Lawrence, MA, Mar. 1 - Apr. 12, 2013. Wish I could be there!
(Above: The Minstrel. Click on image to enlarge or CLICK HERE for a blog post with more information and images.)
The Minstrel was accepted into the National Fiber Directions Exhibition at the Wichita Center for the Arts, Wichita, KS. April 5 - May 19, 2013.
(Above: Mathias Dingman ... my elder son! First Soloist with BRB!)
CLICK HERE to read the article!
I am linking this post to Nina-Maria's "Off the Wall Fridays", a site sharing fiber art works, completed and in progress!
A great article by Mathias. I am so pleased for all your successes recently. The canopy looks wonderful in your photo. I wish you every success with it.
You are an inspiration, Susan! I don't know where you get the energy!
How wonderful!(About your son) Many congratulations!
The workshop sounds fantastic!!!What lucky ladies to get this wonderful teaching from you!
I hope you will get some rest!
Susan, wonderful posting, how DO YOU DO IT ALL????? I am so happy for you. You are making a mark on the FIBER SCENE and a good example for us all! Debbie Bein
Susan, wonderful posting, how DO YOU DO IT ALL????? I am so happy for you. You are making a mark on the FIBER SCENE and a good example for us all! Debbie Bein
Susan!! I love that article about/by Mathias!! What a lucky man (and I can tell he knows it)
to have parents that also have a true passion for their art/work/life , and have passed on to him the joy of going for it!!
And boy has he!! I love that you ended the day after your show by having a glass of wine with your husband....keep it real my friend,(and I know you will)
that's what really matters.
First time I've seen your blog, Susan ... fun reading about your busy, creative life and inspired article about your son. You have so, so much to be proud of! Congratulations ... and I hope our paths cross soon! - Michele T
Congratulations on absolutely everything!
Congratulations on all your accomplishments, including such a talented son. But I know that you work very hard, it is not all about talent. You do wonderful things.
Um abraço!
I love this post. It allows me to see exactly what is going where and when. I like that. Everything looks absolutely wonderful, Susan. You are so busy now and have so much to juggle and yet, you get it done and being so busy seems to increase your energy level. You really are awesome and I am very proud of you. Congratulations on your success in Philly. I know it was a huge step. I miss you! I hope we'll get to see each other in May/June. I'm sure I'll be going to Athens but I don't know if you are going to be there.
The article by your son was so interesting! Thanks for sharing that. What a busy life you are having, but also, with so much success. Enjoy and persist!
What a wonderful post! I'm so pleased to hear about all the well-deserved successes that are coming your way right now! Your energy and drive are really inspirational. I've sent the link for the article on Matthias to my dancing son - I know he'll be interested to read it too. :o)
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