Monday, January 25, 2016

Filming a Segment for PLAYA: A Month in Paradise

 (Above:  Getting ready to film a segment for my upcoming solo show at Anastasia & Friends Gallery.  Click on any image to enlarge.  This photo is by John Allen. Thanks, Barry, Bohumila, and John for making this experience so wonderful!)

Sunday afternoon was exciting!  Barry Wheeler and John Allen came to Mouse House with gallerist Bohumila Augustinova of Anastasia & Friends Gallery to tape segments for a brief film.  The film will accompany my solo show that opens during "First Thursday" on Main Street for February.  The show is called PLAYA: A Month in Paradise and features work made or inspired by last October's art residency in the Oregon Outback.

 (Above:  Bohumila Augustinova, gallerist at Anastasia & Friends ... sitting in my living room for the taping of my video.  This photo and those below were taken by my husband Steve Dingman!  Thanks, Steve!)

Bohumila selected our living room for the taping.  It is a large space but also one that presents plenty of problems for film makers.  There's a lot of reflections coming off the glass on so many framed pieces of art work.  Plus, it is always "Christmas" in the living room.  The wrought iron Christmas tree stays up year round ... as does the embroidered ornaments and stocking on the fireplace.

 (Above:  John Allen adjusting the lights.)

My job was easy.  I sat in the rocking stair while the two men struggled with the lights.

 (Above:  John and Barry positioning their cameras.)

Lighting is complicated.  Our overhead lights actually cast a blue glow on my hair and had to be turned off.

 (Above:  Barry Wheeler coordinating the cameras.)

Audio is equally important.  I had to wear a tiny microphone.  Strangely, I talk more quietly when interviewed than I do in normal conversation.  Who knew?  Well ... the microphones!

 (Above:  Barry making the final lighting adjustments.)

Barry asked several questions about the work I'll be showing; about PLAYA, the art residency that inspired the work; and about my inspiration.  What made PLAYA so significant?  Well, it was remote.  I was mostly out of touch with family, Columbia, and the Internet.  I was left to explore the high desert on my own, to experience nature more in depth than I've ever done, and to work in harmony with my surroundings.  I found the respect I've always most wanted ... my own.  Also, a Northern Flicker died in my hands during the first week.  I'd never held a woodpecker.  I'd never watched a small bird struggle and lose the battle for life. I'd never felt such softness in the midst of nature's brutally while surrounded by so much beauty.  It was profound.  I got to talk about such things for the filming.  I hope the results are good!

The show opens on Thursday, February 4th from 6 - 8:30 at Anastasia & Friends Gallery, 1534 Main Street in downtown Columbia.  The space is open weekdays from 9 AM - 5 PM.  There's a Facebook invitation HERE.  I'll post the video once it is available!

1 comment:

Wanda said...

I would have never been able to imagine how much work goes into filming something and how many challenges your home created. Everything looks wonderful though. And yes, it is always Christmas there! Isn't that great?! I am so looking forward to seeing the film! I clicked "going" to the event on facebook even though I won't really be there but I am ALWAYS there with you. You are beginning to be able to share the powerful Playa experience more and more. To be able to put words to the emotions and feelings is becoming easier. And WOW...the words are incredible. I actually FEEL what you felt and can experience, through your words, the power. To be able to put such experiences into words....I'm in awe. The most powerful, emotional experiences I've had still just make me cry and I have never been able to express them. You give me encouragement and, through you, I feel my most amazing experiences are not lost in my heart. Thank you so much! What a journey you are on!!