Bright and early tomorrow morning Steve and I head north to the Minneapolis airport. We'll fly from there to Phoenix, Arizona. Now this might sound totally crazy! After all, Minnesota is NOT on the way to Arizona from South Carolina. Yet how else could I attend the reception for my solo installation, Threads: Gathering My Thoughts, at the Mesa Contemporary Art Museum on Friday night but then be at Hinge Arts residency program in Fergus Falls, MN on Monday? Oh, I suppose I could do it ... personally ... but not with everything I need for a one-month art residency? Plus, after the residency, I'm going directly to Lorton, VA to teach a two-day workshop at Workhouse Art Center. Everything for the workshop has to go too! It also made sense (at least in my "artist brain") to drop off new artwork at the Grovewood Gallery in Asheville. After all, we'll be passing that way in the morning ... and they requested new work!

(Above: Peacock Feathers IV, V, and VI sitting beside three large In Box pieces and the newest, four small In Box pieces.)
I've been so busy since returning from teaching "Second Life" at the Georgia Agriculture Museum that I forgot to photograph the three newest Peacock Feathers. Unbelievably, the first three are already sold! I did manage to photograph the four, newest "Small In Box Series" pieces. They are below.
(Above: In Box CCXXX. Inventory # 3710. Framed: 19" x 15". $225. Going to the Grovewood Gallery tomorrow morning.)
Unfortunately, my camera is "broken" ... again. Even though I try to promise myself that I'll handle it was utmost care, I never actually do it for more than a week. I carry my camera in my purse ... with everything else. Within a year, the fine focus is shot. It's shot now. Just zoom in on these images; they're all too blurry. I love this camera. It's a CanonSX700HS. I "know" this camera. It does everything I need ... until I man-handle it.
I need a new camera. I need to put the new camera on my tripod and only use it to photograph artwork. The "broken one" is fine for casual shots, workshop photos, inspirational ideas. It's just not good enough to capture the quality images I need for entries, publications, etc. I need to keep the old camera in my purse ... but never let the new one go there.
(Above: In Box CCXXVIII. Inventory # 3708. Framed: 19" x 15". $225. Going to the Grovewood Gallery tomorrow morning.)
I probably would have bought a new camera. A new one cost only $235 but it wasn't the only thing I needed this week. My Bernina 1008 is on the fritz. It's been steadily going downhill for the past few months. I don't know why? (Smirk, wink, sarcasm, feigned innocence, etc.) Just because I stitch constantly ... for hours and hours ... at top speed ... through upward of six or seven layers of polyester stretch velvet, WonderUnder, and recycled felt ... all at the same time ... just because I've put it in a box and shipped it cross-country to a couple art residencies ... just because I've been doing this for over a decade ... I don't know why it would eventually "die on me". It has been past time to get a new machine. I bought a new Bernina 1008. It's still in the box ... inside the van. The old one went to visit Kenny at Creative Sewing's service department (aka "the sewing machine day spa"). Hopefully, it will be running again.
(Above: In Box CCXXVII. Inventory # 3707. Framed: 19" x 15". $225. Going to the Grovewood Gallery tomorrow morning.)
My art residency proposal calls for me to create a series of artist books using anonymous, vintage photographs. I'll also be making some new "In Box" series and peacock feather pieces. I love these. I will be blogging from Minnesota very soon!
(Above: In Box CCXXIX. Inventory # 3709. Framed: 19" x 15". $225. Going to the Grovewood Gallery tomorrow morning.)
I am linking this post to Nina-Marie's "Off the Wall Fridays", a site for sharing fiber arts.
I don't know how you stay organized for all of these activities! Looking forward to the residency posts.
I absolutely LOVE the plan! It's actually my kind of travel plan!!! Well, except for the flying part. You guys are definitely the "road trip kings"!! I'm sorry your camera is broken. In 2014, we had to get a new camera because we canoed out to the island and I got out of the canoe like some weirdo that was never in a canoe and managed to dump my hubby into the lake. Of course he had the camera!! ha ha A new Bernina doesn't sound so bad either.....
I know you are really busy and running around all over the place (literally) but I also know that you are in your element and great things are going on!! What would you do without Steve??!! You are absolutely amazing in all that you do and all the places you go and what you do in those places. And Steve is amazing too!!!! Safe travels and good luck!!!!
That's one hell of a trip! Just thinking about all you do makes me exhausted! Loving the new peacock pieces. They really are gorgeous.
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