(Above: HOT, my workshop taught for Art Quilters Unlimited of Fort Myers, Florida.)
The past few weeks have been CRAZY ... in a most wonderful way! I've been on the road sharing my passion and selling my artwork. I was able to post a few images of my booth at the Philadelphia Museum of Art Craft Show but I didn't find the time to blog about the two workshops I conducted. I taught my "HOT" workshop for Art Quilters Unlimited of Fort Myers, Florida before the Philadelphia show.

I taught the same workshop at the Wisconsin Museum of Quilts and Fiber Arts the weekend after the show in Philadelphia! (That was just the other day!) Both were fabulous experiences where I met lots of marvelously talented people.

(Above: One of Pauline Parker's art quilts displayed in Folk in Fiber at the Wisconsin Museum of Quilts and Fiber Arts in Cedarburg, Wisconsin.)
The Wisconsin Museum of Quilts and Fiber Arts is an amazing building run by a terrific (and extremely qualified ... not to mention NICE) staff. The exhibit on display was phenomenal. I was especially struck by the works of Pauline Parker. During my brief stay in Cedarburg, I was able to attend three art openings (the quilt museum, the cultural arts center, and the art museum!) and wander through the quaint town on an unseasonably warm day.
On my last day, the weather changed. I woke to almost two inches of snow in the hotel's parking lot! It was like visiting Wisconsin in both the summer and the winter all in one weekend!

There aren't enough positive adjectives to describe Cedarburg. Simply ... it is wonderful! Everyone I met (even the cut "shop dog") was so friendly and ...
... sweet! The rest of this blog post contains more images from both workshop and from the adorable town of Cedarburg, Wisconsin! It also includes a few more images of Pauline Parker's amazing work! She lived to be 98 years old, a feminist to the end ... who created a most amazing work focusing on Anita Hill. Just scroll down!
(HOT ... in Florida!)
(HOTTER ... in Florida!)
(Lots of heat in Florida!)
(Getting HOTTER in Florida!)
(My wonderful hostess while in Florida!)
(HOTTEST ... in Florida!)
(HOTTER in Cedarburg!)
(Temperatures rising in Wisconsin!)
(More heat from Wisconsin!)
(Cedarburg stitching!)
(Soldering irons and an industrial heat gun ... most definitely HOTTEST in Wisconsin!)
(One of Pauline Parker's art quilts at the Wisconsin Museum of Quilts and Fiber Arts!)

(Salome ... once a full frontal nude but altered later to include a bit of a sash!)
(Above: Anita Hill and the Senate Judiciary Committee. Definitely CLICK ON THIS IMAGE to view the work created by a then nearly eighty year old Pauline! The provided signage is below and can be enlarged as well.)
(Above: Signage for the Anita Hill art quilt. Click on image to read!)
Below are some of the other images of Cedarburg!

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