My blogging friend Dawn Goldsmith just wrote to me saying, "Enjoy ... it's LOST SOCK MEMORIAL DAY!" Supposedly a "real holiday" and there really are several blogs talking about the silliness of it. Dawn knew I'd get a kick out of this ... especially since my public sock art project, a creation made of mateless socks, was just installed in City Hall!
Last Tuesday night Clark Ellefson, as a representative of the Congaree Vista Guild, and I presented the public sock art quilt, Looking for a Mate, to the full chamber of Columbia's City Council. There were photographs with Mayor Benjamin and all the council members. I was even requested to speak briefly about the piece ... and then invited to help hang the piece later in the week ....

...with Wes' assistance ...

...right in the middle of a recently renovated lobby ... behind the central reception desk.
Added later in the day: Here's a link to the broadcast/video of the April 29th presentation of Looking for a Mate to Councilman Newman ... which lead to the presentation to the entire city council! Thanks Ashleigh Walters for creating this!
congratulations!! This is such a wonderful quilt on so many levels. And to have it hang at city hall!!Wonderful!
LOVE this quilt..what a great theme!Wow, what a great honour to have it hanging in a great spot!!Congrats.
Susan....fantastic! Did you ever take a class in public speaking because you sure are getting alot of press and you are doing such a fabulous job of it! The quilt is awesome...and what an awesome place to have it hanging!
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