Thursday, August 10, 2006

First Entry

I've had a blog for several months. I created it quite accidentally. The website at Vista Studios/Gallery 80808 needed updating and I reluctantly agreed to fulfill the task. I had no idea that the events/calendar was, in fact, a blog. I really didn't even know what a blog even was. I tried to log on and submit the new items. I didn't know what email address to use, what usename to type, what password was required. Stupidly, I created my first blog. (I was just trying to log on to an existing site!)

Of course, I later had to call more knowledgable folks to get the correct information and post the upcoming art information. I went back to delete my error but decided to give blogging a try. I've been posting ever since with under the name www.artbysusanlenz or some such thing. I called the site, Art in Stitches, same as here (I think!). I figured that this was a good place to record my thoughts, plans, and artistic goals. It has worked wonderfully for this.

Actually, I'd stumbled upon blogs before that time. I just didn't know what a blog really was or that I was reading one! There was a blog entry about my ballet dancing son, Mathias Dingman. A girl, the daughter of a pianist at UBA (now Kirov Academy of Ballet in DC) wrote beautifully about having met my son, though her heart still belonged to Rasta Thomas. She still posts. I will likely keep both blogs. The other one has recently had hundreds of "hits". Of course, this isn't due anything about me. It's been about my son Mathias, again!

I've used that blog as my personal journal. I've always journaled, at least since I've been fourteen years old or so. I type over a hundred words per minute, so blogging was instantly easy. Anyway, recently, there have been two international ballet competitiions, one in Jackson, Mississippi and the other in Varna, Bulgaria. I wrote about each. Afterall, the blog was my day-to-day impressions. Very little "official" information flows out of Bulgaria. I posted my blog's address on a ballet forum. Hundreds have read it. Of course, I'm pleased, but this really isn't about me or my art or my own future.

I've since found plenty of like-minded artists with blogs. They seem to be connected with "blog-rings". I've been quite inspired by the writing, images, and ideas expressed by other fiber artists. In order to network with these talented people, I think I need a new, professional blog. So, tonight, I'm starting. This is it. I have no idea how this site works, but the coming days will tell!

1 comment:

MysteryKnitter said...

Sounds interesting. This blog is such I have not read before. Maybe it's time to do that.