(Above: Detail of Stained Glass XV. Click on image to enlarge.)
My sister Sonya told me I needed a "studio assistant" but, in truth, I already have one. My wonderful husband Steve has been assisting the impossible schedule that is allowing me to work over eight hours a day on my faux-stained glass fiber pieces while still managing our "paying jobs...framing". He's driven my commissioned piece to the Grovewood Gallery in Asheville, NC; restocked our antique booth at Terrace Oaks Antique Mall in Charleston, SC; delivered my successfully juried piece in the Florence (South Carolina) regional juried show; bought a bolt of WonderUnder (Bond-a-Web) from Hancock Fabrics; and ironed several 12' black curtain panels for the upcoming exhibition. He cooks and cleans too! If this isn't "studio assistant"....I don't know what one might do!

Thus, I've used my soldering iron on the first four of six faux-stained glass pieces....needed for the upcoming exhibition that opens this Thursday! (The original six were SOLD just two weeks before the show!) Yes, melting acrylic polyester felt and stretch velvets embedded with previously painted WonderUnder does smell....and the air likely isn't very healthy to breathe....so I wear my ventilation mask!

On Saturday morning I photographed the four and started on the final two pieces. Saturday night I mounted them onto their over-sized Edelweiss linen mat boards. Today Steve installed them into their frames....ready to go! Four down....Two to go! (These photos were taken in our back framing room....not my studio where other people/artists would be exposed to the odors!)

(Above: Stained Glass XV. Approximately 57" x 17". Polyester stretch velvets and previously painted WonderUnder and metallic foils on acrylic felt. Free motion embroidery using 100% black cotton thread. Melted. Click on image to enlarge.)

(Above: Stained Glass XV. Below: Detail. Click on images to enlarge.)

(Above: Stained Glass XVII. Below: Detail. Click on images to enlarge.)

(Above: Stained Glass XVIII. Below: Detail. Click on images to enlarge.)

Susan, the pieces are stunning, of course... exactly what I expect to see from you! And hon, wherever did you find that man? Better keep him cuz I'm positive there's no replacement on the planet for a man that does all that!
beautiful :}
They are very beautifull.
I see you are melting the felt (?) in your studio, doesn't this give a horrible burned smell?
Where do you learn this stuff? So amazing what your brain and heart come up with. Such lovely work. Be careful, these might sell before the exhibit, too! :) And that husband -- sounds like the two of you make a whole. Give him a hug for me.
Yay for Steve! These pieces are AMAZING, Susan!! Yay for you, too!
Don't you just love the creative rush and the excitement of creating?! It is amazing what we artists can accomplish sometimes when a deadline is looming! I look forward to seeing the show!
Susan -- these are even more beautiful than the originals -- I LOVE the Gothic architectural feel! So excited about the show -- I'm going to bring some bourbon brownies for the reception.
Susan - what I wouldn't give to be able to actually see these in person! I know the computer screen doesn't even BEGIN to do them justice. As for your DH...better hang onto him 'cause he's one in a million!
Your pieces are so stunning, love your technique and style.
These peices are absolutely breathtaking, amazing wonderful!!! Steve is a living doll and he must like what you all are doing together!!!What a fabulous team you two make!!!
Your stained glass pieces are stunning! Sounds like you have the perfect guy :)
Wow...awesome finishes Susan. Great work and creativity come to life. And some of us knew all along that, behind the great woman, is Steve! Hurray Steve! Oh...you're in jeans. I haven't seen THAT in years!! ha ha
These are beautiful Susan! I am sure they will also sell during this show.
You amaze me! Steve is special.
WOWOWOW...It is beautiful...and Stunning! I love it!
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