(Above: Stained Glass XXXV, detail of top third with framing. Click on image to enlarge.)
Steve and I are almost ready to depart Columbia, South Carolina for a trip to the Philadelphia Convention Center, February 16 - 18! We are doing our first, big show ... the kind that gets national exposure. It is scary. My "In Box" and "Faux-Stained Glass" fiber works will be in booth #1615 at the Buyers Market of American Craft. One of my "Window Series" is also a finalist in the organization's annual Niche Awards. The winners will be announced at 6 PM on the 16th. As far as I'm concerned, I'm already "a winner" because I also received the merit award this year. This award is given in the form of a booth rent waiver to "deserving first time vendor". I'm honored ... whether I win the Niche Award or not. (I actually did win it in 2011!) Steve and I are planning a "dry run" for our booth set up on Sunday ... here in Mouse House ... just to make sure we know how to set up the booth! Why Sunday? Well, we have no customers on that day; no one to hear us bickering and swearing! The Buyers Market is a WHOLESALE ONLY trade show. My fingers and toes are crossed that my work might attract a few galleries that might want to represent me!

(Above: Stained-Glass XXXV. 64 1/2" x 24 1/2" framed. Click on image to enlarge.)
The last piece I've finished for this exhibition opportunity is Stained-Glass XXXV. I made a special point of taking this piece in its frame to Gallery 80808/Vista Studios. This is where my studio is located. It also has a rental gallery under four, big sky lights ... making it an excellent place to take good photographs. I wanted some better images of how these pieces look so that I can feature them on my "Stained Glass and In Box Series" blog. Hopefully, wholesale buyers will use this site for reference and ordering my work.

(Above: Stained Glass XXXV, middle section detail. Click on image to enlarge.)
The piece is mounted via hand stitching through an over-sized piece of linen mat board. The framing includes a black linen liner and a deep picture frame moulding with an ornate gold lip. Plexi-Glas is fitted between the liner and the frame. This creates a narrow space in which the work rests without coming into contact with the Plexi-Glas. (Yes, my "day job" is custom picture framing!)

(Above: Stained Glass XXXV, bottom third. Click on image to enlarge.)
I've included my full signature on the lower right side. It was stitched in free-motion embroidery. Some times I only "write" my last name and a date. Some times I use just my initials. I don't seem to have a consistent way of doing this. I let the piece dictate what will fit!

(Above: Steve on our new moped.)
Steve will be driving the rental cargo van to Philadelphia. Here he is on our new moped. Why did we get a new one? Well, two weeks ago Steve got hit by a car. Thankfully, he rolled off with only minor bumps, bruises and a few scratches. The driver of the vehicle was leaving the Unemployment Security Commission Office. She pulled out into the traffic without even looking ... right into Steve. She hasn't worked in months. Her insurance had also lapsed. She was cited for this and her license was suspended. It was an eye-opening experience ... especially when a wrecker hauled off the remains of the old, totaled moped while a city tow-truck impounded the other vehicle.

(Above: Jasper Magazines spread across the counter at the Tapps Art Center during the January 15th issue launch. Click on the image in order to see how I tried to artistically capture this issue which is mostly devoted to photography but covers all branches of the arts in Columbia.)
Our "family news" isn't all dreadful however! In fact, some of it is pretty darn wonderful! The newest issue of Jasper Magazine includes a lovely, two-page spread on our elder son Mathias Dingman, first soloist with Birmingham Royal Ballet. That magazine article and the great full-page photo can be read on-line HERE.

(Above: The book cover of The Limelight. Click on image to enlarge.)
Jasper Magazine is produced six times a year and is a division of Muddy Ford Press, a family owned business here in South Carolina ... a family totally devoted to promoting the arts and encouraging cross-pollination between the various art disciplines: music, drama, dance, literary arts, and visual arts. To this end, they are about to launch a new publication: The Limelight: A Compendium of Contemporary Columbia Artists, Volume 1. I am totally elated to have an essay in this new publication. Writing about my mentor Stephen Chesley was an act of joy. Having my name listed on the back cover beside Nikki Finney, the 2011 National Book Award for poetry winner, is also pretty darn impressive!
The book will be released on Sunday, February 24, 2013 from 5 - 8 at the Tapps Art Center. There's a Facebook page listing all the information. Unfortunately, I won't be in attendance ... but I'll have had a great weekend anyway. That's when I'll be teaching a two-day workshop at the Society for Contemporary Crafts in Pittsburgh.
I am linking this post to Nina-Marie's "Off the Wall Fridays", a site sharing fiber art works in progress and completion.
I own a gallery in Whitefish, MT and will be attending BMAC in Philly. We go almost every year. I will stop in to take a look and say hello. I love your stained glass pieces and I will have to decide if I think they will work for our shop. Best of luck!
Hey Lady, you're rather succesful lately ! Let's continue that ;-)
Must be no problem with your gorgeous stained glass series !
(all the best with your dry run booth set-up : be gentle with each other ... !!!!)
I'm glad Steve was all rght after his bump with the car. I seem to remember you had a similar experience recently. Good luck with the dry run on your booth and how wonderful to be included in the first issue of Limelight. Life is good!
What a mix of news you have this post! I can't imagine a gallery not wanting your work; the stained glass pieces are so wonderful! And what a blessing Steve is able to sit up straight and grin on his new Moped! A hard lesson for that poor driver to learn...Best wishes for success at the show!
Good stuff Sue and Steve! I sure love seeing the Jasper article online and I especially love having my very own printed copy! So looking forward to experiencing the show with you. I am so excited for you but also nervous! You'd think I was going with you the way I am acting about it! ha ha Drive safely and believe me, you ARE a winner! Both of you are
Wishing you great success this weekend. Have fun! I look forward to hearing your report on the weekend.
Wishing you great success this weekend. Have fun! I look forward to hearing your report on the weekend.
Such a relief that the accident was relatively minor and you'll both be up to the dry run of the booth! Such great news elsewhere about your work and the selling blog looks really good. Good luck for the show.
Congratulations on all the good news- your work is gorgeous, and well deserves the recognition you've gotten.
Good luck to you, but I am sure that your great talent removes any need for luck.
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