(Above: Detail of Stained Glass XLV. Click on any image in this blog post to enlarge.)
This past weekend was WONDERFUL! I spent over twelve hours in my studio both days! So much gets accomplished in such nice blocks of time ... like designing, fusing, and stitching TWO large Stained Glass Series pieces!

(Above: Stained Glass XLV. Framed: 64" x 24"; unframed 56" x 16".)
Yesterday and today were spent "melting" them, mounting them, entering them into my inventory book, and taking photos.

(Above: Detail of Stained Glass XLV.)
My "Window Series", "Lancet Window Series", "Lunette Series", and "Stained Glass Series" are all inspired by stained glass windows. The different "series" refers to the various sizes and orientations. All of these are variations from my original "In Box Series" ... and the free, on-line tutorial for this technique is HERE. I've heard that someone is actually now teaching this in The Netherlands after trying my tutorial. Now, how cool is that! (I hope she's at least mentioning me! I've thrilled that people are trying this. After all, all important artists influence others. I'd love to join such lofty ranks!)

(Above: Detail of Stained Glass XLIV.)
Some of the "Stained Glass Series" pieces are designed for either vertical or horizontal display. These are the geometric ones like Stained Glass XLIV.

(Above: Stained Glass XLIV.)
When I sign these pieces that can be hung either way, I usually "go around one corner" with my free-motion embroidery!

(Above: Signature block detail of Stained Glass XLIV.)
In this case, only the date went around the corner.

(Above: Stitching on Promethium, my piece for the upcoming Studio Art Quilt Associates traveling exhibition Radical Elements.)
Last week's work also included finishing my piece for SAQA's upcoming traveling exhibition Radical Elements. I really hate the fact that SAQA asked all the accepted artists NOT to blog about their work or show it anywhere ... except for "detail shots" or images like the one above. The secrecy in the art quilt world runs in a counter productive manner from the rest of the art world ... at least as far as I know ... and as far as any other artists of my acquaintance knows. So ... the piece is done, shipped to the SAQA mailing center in Ohio, and has a nice "documentation" that will serve as a future blog post after the exhibit opens.
Please know that being part of Radical Elements is a big honor. I applied through a "call-for-consideration" because I truly wanted to be part of a group creating unique pieces that "move quilting beyond the usual materials of fabric and thread" and "embrace the newly expanded definition of an art quilt." I also liked the scientific approach of using selected elements from the periodic table as a unifying them. All the pieces will also be exactly 36" x 22". My element is Promethium and my quilt is made from cut pieces of Rowlux Illusion Lenticular film hand stitched with very thin red and hot pink copper wire. There's no FABRIC and no THREAD in this art quilt!
I'm working on my Radical Element - Chlorine - as I write! Wish I could say I was finished also, but still in progress.
Susan, I see you as some kind of science fiction writer. Only you don't use words. You use works. I can imagine seeing one of your panels on a wall in some kind of futuristic fiction movie where everything is radical and wonderful. You should call Spielberg.
I continue to be amazed by your boundless energy. Twelve hours in the studio? My brain would have been mush -- not to mention how much my arthritic left thumb would have been acting up! LOL!
Seriously, though, I wish you every success with this exhibit. Life is too short to worry about the 'secrecy' requirement. All shall be well!
Susan, you are a breath of fresh air. Other lesser artists would be raging at their copyright being infringed but your generosity is admirable. I too would be incapable of 12 hours in the studio but then that's why you are such a successful artist.
I hope that whoever uses your free online tutorial also at least mentions your Name. You have always given what you have to the world and loved to teach. I know you don't necessarily aspire to be a teacher (you could try it though in your free time) but you were always a teacher. We played School when we were Kids...remember? And I certainly never was the teacher! I sure look Forward to seeing Promethium some day when it can be shown!
Susan, I am already mentioning your name and showing your blog images on my phone and so far I'm just doing heat tests on my stash to better understand the different melting pounds. Would you believe I had to go out and buy black cotton thread? Your toutorials
Different melting points, not pounds! Sheesh.
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