(Above: The back of our cargo van!)
It's before noon and the rental cargo van is packed and ready for departure ... more than two hours ahead of schedule. Steve and I are waiting to leave ... as soon as our weekly framing order from a supplier is delivered (and, yes, he is "running late".)
Washington Craft Show (November 1 - 3) and Philadelphia Museum of Art Craft Show (Nov. 8 - 11), HERE WE COME!
Many hours later...I still wish you travelling mercies, dear friend! And may you have a successful exhibit!!
I am SO excited and nervous and anxious and happy for you!! I can't even imagine what is running through your heads right now. Heads meaning you and Steve, not that you have two heads. ha ha
Novamente desejo boa viajem, sucesso e muita diversão!
Um abraço!
Again wish you good journey, success and lots of fun!
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