(Above: On Gold VI. Inventory # 3346. Framed: 9" x 11". $150 plus tax and shipping. Click on any image in this post to enlarge.)
Every once in a while I see a new custom picture framing product that I can't resist. It happened several months ago ... when Crescent Mat Boards introduced their Couture Line. Most of the small samples didn't appeal to me at all, but 1314 Gold Leaf took my breathe away. It is undoubtedly the most attractive in the collection. It is the most beautiful mat board I've ever seen. It is featured prominently on all the company's marketing material for these new mat boards. Hand gold-leafed, 100% cotton rag, 8-ply, black core ... what was not to like? THE PRICE, of course. At just over $200 a sheet WHOLESALE, I couldn't justify buying it without a really, really good reason.
(Above: On Gold IV. Inventory # 3344. Framed: 11" x 9". $150 plus tax and shipping.)
I found a great reason! Because this is gold leafed, it doesn't really require glass or plexiglas. The surface is sealed. It didn't take me long to figure out how to mount small pieces using gel medium ... allowing both the beautiful mat board and my artwork to be presented without glass ... open to the touch! I cut my 32" x 40" sheet into sixteen 8" x 10" pieces. These are the finished works. I'm calling the series On Gold for obvious reasons. Later this month they are going with me to the ACC (American Craft Council) Baltimore Show. I hope people like them!
It's very difficult to get a good photo of these works. The reflection off the gold leafing is dazzling.
So ... I had my husband Steve pose with a few ... just to give a better sense of size.

(Above: On Gold VIII. Inventory # 3348. Framed: 11" x 9". $150 plus tax and shipping.)
The "top mounted" presentation, however, isn't difficult to see in this detail shot.
(Above: On Gold VII. Inventory # 3347. Framed: 9" x 11". $150 plus tax and shipping.)
To adhere the fiber art work to the gold leafed mat, I applied heavy gel medium to the reverse of the work, positioned it onto the mat board (already secured in the frame), put a piece of silicone paper over the top and then a piece of foam-centered board, and finally added weights. I have enough weights to do four at a time. After several hours, I removed the weights, foamcore, and silicone paper. (The silicone paper prevented any of the gel medium ... oozing up from the holes .. from sticky to the foamcore. Most of the gel medium was dry. The piece was stuck to the gold-leafed mat board. Yet, some of the gel medium was still wet in my interior holes. I used a Q-tip to remove all the excess medium. Within another hour, all the gel was dry.
I'm really pleased with the way these little gems turned out. The rest are further below. Scroll on down!
Before getting to these other works, I want to share last Sunday morning! I sat with my installation Cotton (and my other work too!) that is currently hanging in Art from the Ashes, an invitational show commemorating the sesquicentennial of Sherman's Civil War burning of Columbia, my city. The Tapp's Art Center's executive director was worried that children might damage the strands of cotton. Why? How? Well, the Columbia Presbyterian Church rents the facilities every Sunday morning for two services. So, I volunteered to be there from 6 AM until 1 PM. I brought my hand stitching and was quite productive. The congregation was most delightful. Most read Al Black's poetry our collaborative installation, Nails in a Coffin. The pastor took the photo above and sent it to me during the coffee break.
I took the photo above. The installation was admired and nothing was damaged. I'll be there again this coming Sunday. The exhibit's opening was last Sunday evening. Tomorrow, Thursday, February 5th, is the artists' panel discussion from 7 - 9. The show looks great.
(Above: Death of Desire. Grave Rubbing Art Quilt Series. 27 1/2" x 40 1/2". Crayon on silk grave rubbing with vintage and used buttons. Hand and free-motion machine embroidery. Click on image to enlarge.)
In other news, Death of Desire, is headed to an invitational exhibition called Southern Highlights at the Ruth Funk Center for Textile Arts in Melbourne, FL from May 15 - Aug. 22nd.
Spool Quilt has returned in its crate from the show in Arizona ... requiring two FedEx ground deliverymen to get it back into the house!
Skirt! Is a Rebel is currently part of the SAQA's (Studio Art Quilt Associates) on-line exhibition Photo to Fabric. (Guest curated by Priscilla Stultz.)
Plus ... I receive a nice sized box of old thread from Phillippa Lack, a very talented silk and fiber artist working in Cheyenne, Wyoming. Thank you, Phillippa! I'm unraveling it all ... adding it to the rest of my collection of thread ... all of which is part of an exhibition called Threads: Gathering My Thoughts. I'm also sending proposals for this work to be seen elsewhere ... anywhere ... and suggestion of fiber receptive locations are always welcome!
And ... serendipitously ... Kayle Rice, a Facebook friend, in Kalamazoo, Michigan must have known that I was planning another round with my clipped letters. From time to time, I have to add to my stash. I was planning on doing just that during the upcoming Sunday services at the Tapp's Art Church while sitting with my installation! Kayle sent me all these wonderful, colorful letters to sort into their little alphabetized trays! I'm thrilled. Thank you, Kayle!
I am linking this post to Nina-Marie's "Off the Wall Fridays", a site for sharing fiber art work.
Further below are the rest of the sixteen pieces in my new On Gold series!

(Above: On Gold I. Inventory # 3341. Framed:11" x 9". $150 plus tax and shipping.)
(Above: On Gold XI. Inventory # 3351. Framed: 11" x 9". $150 plus tax and shipping.)
(Above: On Gold XII. Inventory # 3352. Framed: 11" x 9". $150 plus tax and shipping.)
(Above: On Gold XVI. Inventory # 3356. Framed: 11" x 9". $150 plus tax and shipping.)
(Above: On Gold XV. Inventory # 3355. Framed: 11" x 9". $150 plus tax and shipping.)

(Above: On Gold III . Inventory # 3343. Framed: 11" x 9". $150 plus tax and shipping.)
(Above: On Gold XIV. Inventory # 3354. Framed: 11" x 9". $150 plus tax and shipping.)
(Above: On Gold XIII. Inventory # 3353. Framed: 11" x 9". $150 plus tax and shipping.)

(Above: On Gold V. Inventory # 3345. Framed: 11" x 9". $150 plus tax and shipping.)
The gold is perfect with your work, Susan, it was an inspiration!
Susan, I want Gold VI 3346. If that is sold, how about XV 3355
OH MY! "On Gold" is beyond dazzling. It was meant for that stained glass work. Perfect. What a blessing!
Gotta wonder what Steve would look like after being gold leaved. Leaf it to me to come up with something like this. Okay, I'll leaf you alone now.
The gold is perfect with your work.
Brilliant! Pardon the pun.
Had to chuckle - more than one way to get someone to church! Hadn't thought of stewarding an art gallery. ;-D
These pieces are stunning. Wish I could make it to Baltimore, but I'm in Key West! Had lunch with Claire from TSKW last week and she told me how wonderful you were. Going back?
I agree with all the comments...the On Gold is perfect! I think you have another runner with it! The installation is awesome!
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