I'm busy! Really busy! Next week Steve and I will get a rental cargo van and head to the ACC (American Craft Council) Show in Atlanta. For that, I'm making a few new pieces including two more large In Box Series pieces. One is done. One is ready to be melted with the soldering irons. I want to make two small In Box pieces over the weekend but I also have to finish melting another, large Stained Glass Series piece. Plus, my solo show, Last Words, which is currently at the Etherredge Gallery on the USC-Aiken campus, comes down on Saturday.
(Above: Detail of In Box CCXIV.)
In the evenings I'm working on new fiber brooches. I'm also gearing up to make new additions to my Cabinet of Curiosities which will be delivered to the ArtFields competition on April Fool's Day. Needless to say, when things are busy on one front, they are busy on the other front. Steve and I have plenty of custom picture framing to do as well! Definitely busy!
(Above: My two pieces at Between the Covers: Altered Books in Contemporary Art, an invitational exhibit curated by Sarah Tanguy for the Everhart Museum in Scranton, PA.)
Sometimes being busy means I miss a few Facebook and other forms of publicity for event in which my work is shown... but fortunately not this week! I'm just thrilled to have two works on display at the Everhart Museum in Scranton, PA. The show is called Between the Covers: Altered Books in Contemporary Art and was curated by Sarah Tanguy.

(Above: Wasted Words: Global Warnings.)
Sarah call my piece, Wasted Words: Global Warnings, when it was on view at the Textile Museum in Washington, DC for a show called Green: A Color and a Cause.
(Above: Ball Bearings thru Cables.)
Later, she invited Ball Bearings thru Cables into her exhibit. This opportunity speaks to the reason I enter so many juried shows. I really want my work to be part of high profile exhibits in excellent venues, especially in museum settings alongside stellar work by leading artists in the field. To know that my work is on view with the likes of Brian Dettmar and Lisa Kokin, among others, is awesome. This show is getting plenty of publicity too. A Scranton television station did a live broadcast. There's been newspaper coverage and the museum posted a wonderful selection of photos on Flickr! CLICK HERE to access. This is great!
I am linking this post to Nina-Marie's "Off the Wall Fridays", a site for sharing fiber arts.
Busy!! You said it!!! Swamped is also appropriate. Lots of positive and good things going on, that's for sure. Congratulations and good luck in Atlanta!
Things sound so crazy!! I'm excited that cabinet of curiosities is heading out into the world- I hope you can get some pictures at the installation. Good luck in Atlanta!
So cool to be busy with such great things!
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