(Above: All I Want for Christmas is My Two Front Teeth, The Wall of Ancestors. Click on any image in this blog post to enlarge.)
I need more framed images of anonymous people with collaged phrases like I need a hole in my head, but how can I resist? I can't ... especially when coming upon a few perfect photos that seem to beg from a distant past for a future as art! I also can't resist picking up antique walnut frames and original, hand wrapped velvet mats. As a result, I think there are now over 250 pieces in The Wall of Ancestors for my Anonymous Ancestors installation. Thankfully, this work gets to come out of storage for the month of January when it will be on view at the Eastern Shore Art Center in Fairhope, Alabama.
(Above: Always Said My Prayers, The Wall of Ancestors.)
Creating these pieces was a perfect way to spend some of Thanksgiving day. I am particularly thankful for the art opportunities I've been given and for the support I have in pursuing new ones. My husband Steve will helping load the van, install the show, and do all the driving. That's a lot of support! I am also thankful for all those who recently purchased Christmas ornaments!
(Above: Boring!, The Wall of Ancestors.)
I am also very grateful to a nice lady here in Columbia who has commissioned me to create an "In Box Series" piece to hang above her king sized bed. I've been working on it and plan to share it soon! It is always such an honor to be sought out for such original art!
(Above: Business Partners: Looking for a Fast Buck, The Wall of Ancestors.)
The time between Thanksgiving and Christmas is always very, very busy. Custom picture framing work continues to arrive at our business, Mouse House. One day I hope to be a self supporting artist, but in the mean time I'm thankful for those who financially keep those dreams alive!
(Above: Could Have Been a Contender, The Wall of Ancestors.)
One of the best things about this time of year is MUSIC! My most refined Pandora Internet radio station is called "Classical Christmas". I've added and eliminated suggested melodies to the point that "Grandma never gets run over by a reindeer" and no one "rocks around the Christmas tree". Popular covers of traditional carols have also been eliminated. My Christmas music is seriously traditional ... just the way I like it! Generally, I don't listen to music in my studio ... but I love this!
(Above: Daydreamed My Life Away, The Wall of Ancestors. Please notice the original, hand-wrapped red velvet mat ... true Victorian!)
My favorite Christmas carol is Lo, How a Rose E'er Blooming ... whether sung in English or in its original German, Es ist ein Ros Entsprungen. My Pandora station has several versions of both. I can never tire of this melody.
(Above: I Preferred Cats, The Wall of Ancestors.)
As I look toward the coming weeks, I can honestly say that all I really want for Christmas is more time in the studio and continued support from those who care about my art as it moves into the coming year. When people truly care about my passion, I feel extremely thankful. This weekend reminded me of all those who are so supportive, loving, and kind. Thank you!
(Above: It Took Courage to be an Independent Woman, The Wall of Ancestors.)

(Above: A Man's World or Board of Directors, The Wall of Ancestors. I couldn't quite decide the title for this one, so I went with both ideas!)
(Above: No One Knows the Troubles I've Seen, The Wall of Ancestors. Please notice the original, Victorian hand-wrapped blue velvet mat that came with this ornate antique frame!)
(Above: We Pretended to Have Money, The Wall of Ancestors. The hand-wrapped red velvet mat is Victorian. Unfortunately, the frame in which it came was beyond all hope. This is a new frame.)
I am linking this post to Nina-Marie's "Off the Wall Fridays", a site for sharing fiber arts.
1 comment:
I just turned on Pandora Classical Christmas a couple of days ago, one of the Christmas things I am thankful for, so I smiled at your musical comments. What a surprise to see your photo creations--and what fun! We need some humor at this point in the year. Thanks, Susan.
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