Thursday, July 14, 2022

Mandala CXXX

(Above:  Mandala CXXX. Custom framed: 28" x 28". Found objects hand-stitched to a section of a vintage quilt. Found objects include: an embossed metal circle; part of an poached egg pan; assorted, vintage cookie cutters; black and white dominoes; four combs; hinges; four View Master reels; eight, large red, wooden checkers; four, large white, wooden checkers; four, small, black, plastic checkers; and lots of buttons.  Click on any image to enlarge.)

This past week has not gone according to plan.  My custom picture framing shop did not receive our weekly order.  It was supposed to bring much needed mat board and the moulding for six, new Lancet Windows.  I created these pieces last weekend.  I cannot mount and photograph them until these supplies arrive next week.  So, I turned my attention to this Found Object Mandala.  I'll post the Lancet Windows next Wednesday (hopefully!)

(Above:  Detail of Mandala CXXX.)

I'm really pleased with this Found Object Mandala as I wasn't entirely sure this many dominoes would still be balanced with the other objects ... especially considering all the colorful dots on the white ones. Although I am blessed with a keen sense of visualization, I'm occasionally worried that my mind is seeing "what I want" and not necessarily "what is there"!

(Above:  Detail of Mandala CXXX.)


1 comment:

Ann Scott said...

This one is like a walk down memory lane. Someone in our family still has some of those cookie cutters.