I've been to Florida and conducted a most wonderful workshop in the middle of a fiber art retreat. Before going, I was told that those coming would have their own projects on which to work. Supposedly, some people would only be interested in watching my demonstrations. Others would elect to do some to the things I would be showing the group. Still others wouldn't be interested at all.
That's not what happened! I'm pretty sure that all twenty-seven people fully participated in all the activities of my HOT workshop! It was a total blast! We even had 24/7 access to a giant conference room. Plenty of space. No electrical issues despite several irons being plugged in at the same time. A table of snacks. Meals together at 9:00 AM and again at 4:00 PM. Fabulous talent at every seat. Lots of great conversations and laughter.
When I conduct my HOT workshop (that covers my work with polyester stretch velvet, assorted soldering irons, and an industrial heat gun), I finish all my demos. My complete at least two pieces during the experience. The first work is created on a scrap of fabric, generally upholstery material. It involves fusing pieces of polyester stretch velvet onto the fabric, soldering indentations and grooves in the thick material, free motion machine embroidery, and both hand stitching and beading. I call these pieces "Relics".
Generally, I bring some from past workshops to each new group. The second demonstration is very much the same except that instead of upholstery fabric as the base, synthetic felt is used. Thus, the soldered holes go all the way through the project and the industrial heat gun creates work like my In Box and Fiber Stained Glass series.
A week before the workshop, I realized that I didn't have any Relics to bring as finished examples. So in anticipation of this need, I decided to make a few bigger examples. My idea was to mat the larger Relics to a standard 20" x 16" presentation. I figured I'd take them to the Smithsonian Craft Show ... just as matted work, not framed ... easy for people to take home!
Several were made before the workshop and several more have been stitched since I returned home! Unfortunately, I haven't been snapping photos of all of them. The ones here are just a sampling! I am having so much fun stitching them. I plan on continuing ... at least through the coming week.
Meanwhile, the participants were using my materials and techniques to create exotic bugs. Why? Well, at least half of them belong to a group that have a challenge to create fiber bugs. The resulting creatures were simply mind-blowing.
We were all having so much fun that I totally forgot to take any photos myself. The bugs here were sent to me later. I wish I had remembered because the projects created were so wonderfully varied. The group oozed with talent. There was even talk that I might be invited back next year to conduct my Found Object Mandala workshop! I hope it works out!
Now ... my second, finished demonstration was given in a random drawing to one of the workshop participants. It was great!
One more thing! I am ahead of schedule on my 2025 Goodreads goal! One of the reasons for retirement was to return to reading REAL BOOKS, not just articles on my iPhone but physical pages enjoyed for a good story and the pleasure of reading! I just finished Frances Barry's Back Road and Better Angels, a 540+ page book documenting a 2020 cross-country, Lincoln Highway RV trip while interviewing people along the way about their views on democracy ... and considering "What would Lincoln Do?" Before retiring, I could never have managed this great book. It was outstanding. I highly recommend it!
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