Getting back into a regular schedule is just as difficult as the adjustment to having no schedule at all! I am swimming in framing work while trying to unpack the luggage that was finally delivered more than 24 hours after my return. Before doing any of these things, however, I had to rearrange much of Mouse House. Steve had to move lots of things around in order to facilitate the electricians. Fortunately, the new track lighting looks great!
I also have hundreds and hundreds of photos to sift through and four pieces in the "Elements of Architecture" series needing free-motion machining. (I did all the hand stitching in the evenings while in California.)
I picked up the Blues Series from Mac's on Main and then had to re-hang everything in my studio. Thus, I've been really busy and still feel like I've achieved nothing! Hopefully, I will soon have images to share from the days out west and new pictures of completed art.
In the meantime, my sister Wanda sent my pictures of her amazing blackwork project which is obviously more than half complete.
Years ago Wanda did some HORRIBLE needlepoint. She didn't work the pieces using the basketweave stitch. Her tension was incredibly tight. The results were so warped it was impossible to block them properly. Framing was a nightmare. In desperation, I suggested she try cross stitch. At first she refused, utterly convinced that this would prove a disaster. Instead, I created one of the best counted thread embroiderers ever! Wanda's work is unbelievably neat, clean, precise, and as perfect as possible. Later, I introduced her to the Embroiderer's Guild of America. There, she found blackwork. Eventually, I think Wanda will branch out into design work or try very, very complicated canvas work (or both!)
Ha ha I remember with fondness that horrible needlepoint!! And I always give you credit for my stitching "abilities" because it IS all because of you. I remember as well once you said..or maybe it was me...I don't know...someone...that I color in the lines and you aren't even on the page!! ha ha And our artistic abilities (and I use that word lightly in my case) are so different but both are truly amazing. Thank you for sharing my half done piece with the world....I'm working hard to get it complete. Then you can show it again! And once you frame it...because I wouldn't trust anyone in the world to frame it but you (just like the chess board)...it will be something that people write songs about. Or blogs. ha ha Thank you again!
Oh...and by the way....I don't know what design work means!! And canvas work? I thought that meant painting..you know...on a canvas? I want to learn crewel and especially godwork. Japanese embroidery is great but I remember you telling me that they can't wear make up or hairspray so that pretty much rules me out. ha ha I LOVE you!!!!
Hi Wanda!
I cannot wait to share your completed Blackwork with the world!! It is terrific. What did I mean by "design work"....I think you will someday, hopefully soon, decide to DESIGN your own pieces! What did I mean by "canvas"? Why, needlepoint, of course....not just the one stitch (how commpletely boring) but ALL OF THEM. Just because you used to do HORRIBLE needlepoint eons ago doesn't mean you would now! You'd be a great needlepoint person. Go back to it! You are more than ready!
I am honored that you think I could design my own pieces but I don't think I can. I have no ideas...I don't think my imagination goes in that direction! I can't look at an empty room and even imagine my own furniture in it. And when the furniture is in the room, it all ends up lined up against a wall. I designed your "family hierloom" and when I look at pictures of it, it seems so childish and "unflowing". I also designed a tablecloth (did you ever see it? I'll send a picture of it to your email) and it looks spindley and gay. But I know how to follow instructions !
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