(Pages from I do / I don't, an installation book. Click on image to enlarge.)
Bloggers, art lovers, family, and friends contributed "statements" about both MARRIAGE and DIVORCE. I stitched them on the wedding veils. I added them to photographs that are now in the installation (scroll down!) ... but I also used most of them to create this unique, artist book. The entire volume (to which I plan on adding!) can be seen as a Flickr Set or a slideshow! Click the links to visit! The installation is now complete and ready for visitors during Artista Vista 2011, opening this Thursday, April 28 from 5 - 9 with continued hours on Friday from 11 - 6 and Saturday from 11 - 7.
I just watched the slide show - what a wonderful book so many interesting statements and it was fun to see that mine had made it in there :)
Susan, this MUST be published in book form! I'd buy it for my office; give it to newly weds, share it with the clients I counsel for marriage counseling!
Amazing and I love the way you created the pages!
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