(Above: Window CXXIII. Framed: 17 1/4" x 15 1/4". Inventory # 3802. $265. Click on any image in this blog post to enlarge.)
One of the most frequently asked questions I hear is, "How long did it take you to make that?" I don't know the answer. Honestly! I don't know. Why? Well, when working on smaller pieces, I have several on my table. If I cut a circle of polyester stretch velvet that is either too large or two small for one work, it will undoubtedly find a place on another piece. It makes sense to work like this, but then I really don't know how long I have invested in each one.

(Above: Window CXXVI. Framed: 17 1/4" x 15 1/4". Inventory # 3805. $265.)
Then there is the matter of prep work. All the polyester stretch velvet has to have Pellon's 805/Wonder Under ironed to the reverse before I start. I buy Wonder Under by the bolt and go through it fast ... especially when receiving an order from SpandexWorld.com, a company that sells the material by the yard. My orders generally include ten to twelve different colors, a yard each. Sometimes a full day is spent on prep work ... but for how many pieces? I just don't know.

(Above: Window CXXVIII. Framed: 17 1/4" x 15 1/4". Inventory # 3808. $265.)
Then, there is the time to be spent in the garage melting the holes. There's time to mount and frame each piece ... and then photograph and blog it. With so many different steps, there's just no way for me to figure out the length of time I spend on an individual piece.
(Above: Lancet Window LXXIX. Framed: 31" x 11". Inventory # 3810. $395.)
I'm also used to working on more than one at a time. Why not? Each piece goes through so many stages. There's time in my studio, time in the garage, time in the "frame shop" (which is my downstairs). Thus, why not have work in various stages and in different locations ... all at the same time?

(Above: Window CXXV. Framed: 17 1/4" x 15 1/4". Inventory # 3804. $265.)
The only constants seem to be the need for more work, my inventory book, and a blog post to share the completed pieces. Right now, I'm gearing up for the Philadelphia Museum of Art Craft Show in November and a big solo show at City Art during the same month. I need plenty of new work. So ... I have lots of pieces in progress.

(Above: Window CXXVII. Framed: 17 1/4" x 15 1/4". Inventory # 3806. $265.)
The work presented here was done during the last two weeks. The amount of time any one of them took will remain a mystery.

(Above: Window CXXIV. Framed: 17 1/4" x 15 1/4". Inventory # 3803. $265.)
As I type this blog post, there is one larger piece in the garage and another one under my sewing machine. Several pieces of recycled, black industrial felt have been cut and are waiting for work to be constructed on each one. There's lots to do ... no matter where I go! I love working this way.
(Above: Lancet Window LXXVIII. Framed: 31" x 11". Inventory # 3809.)
There's a rhythm to working this way. Also, after making a bunch of "stained glass" inspired pieces, I have all sorts of strangely shaped scraps of polyester stretch velvet. At that time, I cut it up into squares and rectangles. At this point, I know it is time to make more of my "In Box" series work ... and the new ones will be shared on the next blog post!
(Above: Polyester stretch velvet with Wonder Under ironed to the reverse ... cut up into squares and rectangles ... ready to be made into "In Box" series pieces.)
I love your account of creativity, Susan. My thoughts about their curiosity when asking "how long did it take;" usually such questions come from someone who is an admirer without participating in fiber. I've had similar questions about landscaping projects, particular gourmet dishes, sweaters knitted. Possibly it has to do with needing verbal communication to accept what they see.
To do all these pictured in two weeks seems impossible, even to me!
I get this question all the time about my beaded work. I too work on my different projects at same time so there is no way to tell. People are not satisfied with the answer. But then are people ever satisfied.????? Maybe they might appreaciate your time spent better if it was broken down into steps- the number of times each piece goes thru a different process- that eould blow them Away! I love my small heart piece , I look at it and smile every day! Hope you are doing well with this heat! Best to Steve! XO
my very 2 favorites say LANCET windows, What does the word mean? They draw me in more and are less busy and love them both! Thanks for sharing. My great Grandmother Vincent would hammer nails in a board, Dip her string in a wax, then stretch it around the nails to make stars for the church trees. I have one barely hanging on after all of these years, Ill have to show you and maybe I can carry on the tradition, les
Another example of how different we are! I love that you can't answer the question. I love that you have lots of things going on at the same time. I love that you are busy...although don't take that the wrong way....I also know that you couldn't just sit around for more than an hour or two doing nothing. But boy....a wellness weekend for you and me together sounds pretty good!! Maybe a mud one or hay or honey or something else gooey and fun!!
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