Friday, January 19, 2024

Lost & Found XIV

(Above:  Lost & Found XIV.  Framed in an antique, cross-bow frame: 13 1/2" x 26".  Three plastic birds, fabric yo-yos, and buttons hand stitched to a section of an antique crazy quilt. Click on either image to enlarge.)

 The three birds look as if they suddenly flew off an old cuckoo clock but they didn't! LOL!  They have indentations on their back sides ... so that they could hang directly on a wall.  They aren't even old.  They're plastic but they look so sweet!  They went perfectly in this antique frame and they also used up a narrow piece of the old crazy quilt that was cut for my Kinsfolk Series.  

(Above:  Detail of Lost & Found XIV.)

The antique crazy quilt was tattered but before attaching the three birds and the embellishments, I covered the entire surface with bridal tulle.  I add plenty of decorative stitching to the simple stitches of the antique crazy quilt ... until all the stitching blends together and the netting isn't even obvious.  The tulle protects the fragile and fraying fabrics.  I am really enjoying this process.  This is the sort of stitching I am doing every evening ... which is keeping me sane during the process of moving!


Suella said...

I love crazy quilts and am vey happy to have the tulle tip for anything tattered

Tattered or not I've only ever seen 2 quilts I was able to pick up without now paying rather a lot for them.

Ann Scott said...

I enjoyed your description of the birds flying off an old cuckoo clock and that frame seems perfect! I'm glad you are able to stitch for sanity (sounds like a t-shirt slogan, lol).

Zohra Arastu said...

I love how you bring a tattered quilt to new life with your unexpected choices of embellishments.

Susan Lenz said...

Thanks so much for the comments! I agree with Suella that many tattered old quilts are priced way too high for their condition. I'm lucky that I am out looking weekly and that there are friends and "friends or friends" who give me their much beloved but beyond repair items because they know I will use them in my studio practice. I also agree with Ann that "Stitching for Sanity" would be perfect on a t-shirt! I ought to look into it (but considering my life at this point ... probably won't! LOL!) Thanks too to Zohra for her lovely comment and recent telephone chat. Have a wonderful time in Australia and New Zealand!